Terms & Conditions
The Chrome Roses Pole Dance COVID-19 policy is included in our terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time for your class. If you arrive more than 5 minutes past the class start time you will not be able to take part and your class will not be refunded. Safety first guys, we warm up for a reason!
Spaces are limited so advanced payment must be made to reserve your space in the class. Cancellations can be made a maximum of 24 hours before the class. Any cancellations made after this point will not be refunded. Classes cannot be donated or sold on unless otherwise advised.
Open Pole is a non instructed class so students must have attended a minimum of 1 pole class to book. You are responsible for ensuring you sufficiently warm up/cool down. Offering instruction to others in these classes is forbidden. Failure to abide by this rule may result in you being banned from future non-instructed classes.
Private Lessons
Private lessons are booked on a 1-1 (one student to instructor) basis for 60 minutes (unless otherwise discussed). 2-1 lessons can be requested. Payment must be arranged with the instructor. 24 hours cancellation notice applies unless otherwise advised.
• ALL classes must be cancelled by you through the booking system with 24 hours notice or they will be forfeited.
• All classes are booked on a first come – first served basis.
• You must arrive BEFORE your allocated class start time. If you are more than 5 minutes late after the warm up has started you will not be permitted to take part in the class and your class will be forfeited.
• You confirm that you are not pregnant or have not given birth within the last 6 months. Pregnant women are not able to take part without consent from the instructor AND their GP. Please contact us before booking if this applies to you.
• You confirm that you are over the age of 16. Any student found to be underage will be removed from the class and the class forfeited.
• You must inform CRPD of any changes to your medical condition.
• CRPD reserve the right to refuse a student entry to a class if they believe they are medically unsuitable or are under the influence of alcohol/drugs. The instructor’s decision is final and in this case, no refunds will be given.
• Abuse towards instructors/other students will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
• Any student who ignores the health and safety advice of the instructor, or who is acting in an inappropriate manner, may be removed from the class and refused entry into any further classes. No refunds will be given in this case.
• Students must ensure they are suitably dressed for the class. No jewellery or lotion allowed.
• CRPD takes no responsibility for students lost/stolen or damaged personal items whilst they are at the venue.
• Students have made themselves aware of the parking availability at CRPD. Any inappropriate parking will be done at the student’s risk and CRPD s will not be held responsible for any tickets given during their visit to CRPD.
• Students agree to be occasionally photographed for marketing purposes and may be used on the CRPD website, in publications or social media. We may also repost any social media posts of you when at CRPD. Should you not wish for any photographic images of you to be used in this way you should express this in writing to CRPD.
• CCTV is in operation in all studio spaces for the purpose of public, staff and studio safety. Our CCTV policy is available at www.chromeroses.co.uk.
• By providing your email address you consent to us sending you emails regarding CRPD. We will not share your information with a third party. Our privacy policy is available at www.chromeroses.co.uk.
• Any material or information given to students for their personal use by CRPD may not, under any circumstances attempt to replicate, make available, transmit, reproduce, sell, disseminate, license, distribute, publish, broadcast or otherwise circulate the products of Chrome Roses.
• The timetable is subject to change at any given time. Students will be notified via email/CRPD facebook page at the earliest convenience.
Disclaimer and Liability
(1) CRPD takes all precautions to ensure the safety of everyone involved. I acknowledge that pole fitness can be strenuous and at times, dangerous. I will rely upon my own judgement in participating in any exercise or manoeuvres. I have been told about the potential risks to my health and freely accept that by participating I run the risk of injury, particularly if I were to fall from, or knock myself on the pole. I understand it is recommended to seek advice from a health care provider before participating, and I agree that I will not hold CRPD liable for any pre-existing injuries or medical condition, which may be exacerbated if I participate. Furthermore, I hereby confirm that I am voluntarily engaging in an acceptable level of exercise, which has been recommended to me. I will inform my instructor of any changes to my medical history.
(2) I hereby assume all responsibility for and, on behalf of myself, any heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, waive all claims against CRPD and its instructors for, any and all injuries, claims or damages that I might incur. This waiver extends to all claims of any kind what so ever, foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown, direct, indirect or consequential losses.
(3) Nothing in this waiver shall exclude or limit CRPD liability (i) for personal injury caused by its own or its instructor’s negligence; (ii) for fraud; or (iii) in any way that is not permitted under applicable laws.